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Al Jefferson

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  • Post category:NBA
  • Post last modified:1 August 2024

Nickname: Big Classic

Oh baby, do I love me some Big, Old Al Jefferson. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched an Al Jefferson “Post Moves” highlight video. There is nothing like going to sleep listening to the crowd reaction of “Big Classic” float home a gorgeous right handed hook shot. If Hakeem Olajuwon never existed, Al Jefferson would be the post master.

Alright, probably not.

Why He Should Be Remembered

It’s fairly obvious why I believe Al should be remembered. I’m so serious, watch some clips of his work in the post. He sets up shop down there and just feasts. In fact, go right now and open up YouTube. I’ll wait. Actually here, hold on I got one for you.

This video is really all I need in this section. If you watched that and you still don’t know why Al Jefferson should be remembered, click off this blog page right now.

Also, make sure to watch it twice as there may be a pop quiz in my upcoming Obscure Athlete 101 course coming this fall semester.

Why He Is Not Remembered

Now while I love him, I can understand why a person may forget about him. Does it make me want punch that said person in the face? Absolutely. But, I would feel bad after I did it as Al never really had a career defining moment. His best year was 2013 where he made the All-NBA Third Team and was 8th in the MVP voting (yes, I’m surprised too, I did not know this). He honestly is one the best examples of a forgotten athlete in the 2010s NBA. If we drafted an Obscure Athlete NBA 2010s team, Al Jefferson would be my center.

Where He Is Now

Last time I checked, Al was involved in the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA). I’m having a hard time finding his stats for that league as I honestly do want to know how he is playing. I wonder if he’s like Shaq to them or something. I can just imagine a 40 something year old Jefferson going for 40 and just torching dudes with a graceful up and under move over and over again. When I find some film of that, I’ll update this article.

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